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Forget wrinkles - many adults battle acne

TORONTO (CP) - One of the best things about bidding farewell to the teen years is being rid of pimples. But some adults are waking up in their 20s. unpleasant reminder of high-school embarrassment.
"If you look at the role of the average woman today. juggling so many more balls ... definitely adrenal stress levels are up and adrenal stress is linked to this adult acne phenomenon." she said from the institute. where certified estheticians receive further training in skincare.
Adult acne definitely looks different from teenaged zits. which are usually present in the T-zone - across the forehead. down the nose to the chin. The grown-up version shows up on cheeks. chin and along the jawline.
McCliskie explains that if breakouts are occurring along the jawline. temples and eyebrows. it signals adrenal overload. The adrenal gland secretes adrenalin as well as steroid hormones including testosterone.
There has been an explosion of products aimed at adult acne. beyond the old choices of the powerful bacteria-zapping potions aimed at teens. Now cosmetic companies are tapping into the demographic that wants to fight wrinkles and acne at the same time. offering products that come in pretty packages with high pricetags.
Publishers. are having a field day. After the huge success of his book The Wrinkle Cure. Dr. Nicholas Perricone produced The Acne Prescription: The Perricone Program for Clear and Healthy Skin at Every Age (HarperCollins). He writes about yoga. diet and products that will help people affected by acne (yes. he sells a line of products).
But not every author is hawking a skin-care line. The Acne Cure (Rodale Inc.) by Dr. Terry J. Dubrow and Brenda D. Adderly. outlines a cleansing and treatment regimen advocating certain ingredients based on skin type (oily. dry or combination).
In her book The Skin Type Solution (Bantam). she explains there are 16 skin types based on oiliness versus dryness. resistant versus sensitive. pigmented versus non-pigmented and tight versus wrinkled. She outlines product ingredients to be used for each of the different skin types and even recommends some brand names based on feedback from her clients.
"With all these anti-aging creams - people are not buying the right ones. Even though it's anti-aging. it's not right for their skin type. admitting she knows all too well how a company's promise of beautiful skin can attract even the most astute consumer.
She recalled that on a recent book tour. she was given a sample of an expensive anti-aging cream. She took the bait. applied the cream and the next day regretted it.
McCliskie agrees. adding that blemishes on the cheeks usually indicate a reaction to a product. A moisturizer. a foundation or even a blusher that is not right for a person's skin type could be behind an outbreak.
Kellett recommends a gentle. gel-based cleanser that exfoliates. twice a day followed by a benzoyl peroxide lotion and a water-based. oil-free moisturizer.
And for adults who want quick treatment. she recommends a levulan and light treatment. Levulan is a photosensitizer drug which is applied to the skin and then activated with different types of light.
But McCliskie thinks something beyond stress. rich creams and hormonal changes may play a part in the acne that plagues women and men well beyond the teen years.

acne treatment

Skin-rejuvenation treatments not limited to lasers

A: Several different non-laser techniques can make older. sun-damaged skin look younger. including chemical peels. microdermabrasion and LED photomodulation.
To understand how these techniques work. it helps to understand the skin's structure and how aging affects the skin. On the skin's outermost layer - the paper-thin epidermis - old cells die as younger living cells from the lower epidermis rise to the surface. Eventually. the dead cells flake away. This continuous cycle renews the skin about once a month.
As you age. the dead cells don't slough off as easily as they did when you were younger. Your skin retains less moisture and produces less collagen and elastin. causing skin to thin and sag. Thin. loose skin produces classic signs of aging: fine lines around the eyes. deepened expression lines at the mouth and across the forehead. and sagging flesh around the jaw line and the neck.
These changes happen naturally with age. Sun exposure speeds them up. making the skin old before its time. This is often called photo-aging or photo-damage. Most of the lines and wrinkles on faces result from photo-aging. not getting older.
Sunlight breaks down the collagen in the skin. After 24 hours of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. cells produced less collagen and more of an enzyme (collagenase) that breaks down collagen. In addition. sunlight damages the cell DNA. which can lead to lentigenes (also called liver or age spots). skin tags or cancerous growths. You can also blame sun damage for freckles. red spots and other discolorations. All in all. photo-aging can make your skin look decades older than you really are.
Chemical peels. This technique treats wrinkles. precancerous skin growths and superficial scarring. Chemical solutions are applied to the skin. where they dissolve skin cells. removing the top layers of the epidermis. Just how deeply the peel penetrates. and the effects of the peel. vary depending on the strength of the solution used. Chemical peels can be done on the hands as well as the face.
For a superficial peel. doctors use weak acids to remove only the outermost layer of the epidermis. This peel can improve skin tone. enhance texture and somewhat minimize fine lines and wrinkles. For best results. repeat the treatment monthly for about six months. and then quarterly. Superficial peels are often called lunchtime treatments because they take just 15 to 20 minutes. and don't require any recovery time. Some people with very fair or sensitive skin may have some redness for a few hours. but most people feel comfortable going out in public immediately afterward.
If you have more advanced sun damage. you may want to consider a peel with a stronger acid. After the 35 to 45 minutes treatment. you'll have mild discomfort. About a week later. the superficial skin will darken. turn stiff and peel off. Your skin may appear flushed for several weeks. Most people report noticeable improvement in medium-depth lines and wrinkles and coloration. Results last up to two years. but many people get annual repeats before the improvements fade over time. After any chemical peel. you'll be more sensitive to sun exposure. so take extra precautions when outdoors.
Microdermabrasion. This quick and painless treatment can moderately improve fine lines. age spots or mild acne scars. Microdermabrasion lightly sands the skin with special crystals applied under high pressure. The physician then lightly suctions off the crystals and skin debris. A similar. newer device known as Vibraderm uses a lightly vibrating paddle to sand the skin. In either case. you may have some redness or swelling around the eyes. but it usually fades the same day.
LED photomodulation. This treatment offers subtle improvements for people with mild to moderate sun damage. It uses the same kind of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that you see on many phones. VCR/DVD players and treadmills. This device does not heat or wound the skin. Instead. it works by delivering short pulses of a narrow band of low-intensity yellow or red light to skin cells. Scientists think that the light stimulates the skin cells to make them act young again. Youthful skin cells send out more signals to the cells that make collagen and elastin that makes young skin so plump.
Remember. the most important thing you can do is to prevent skin damage in the first place. by using sunscreen and wearing hats and protective clothing when you go outside. throughout the year.

acne treatment

Are Antibiotics Being Used For Too Long

in hospitals. But a lack of evidence to support short course therapy means it has become accepted practice to continue treatment for days after symptoms have improved.
Researchers in the Netherlands compared the effectiveness of discontinuing treatment with amoxicillin after three days or eight days in adults admitted to hospital with mild to moderate-severe community acquired pneumonia.
who substantially improved after the conventional three days' treatment with intravenous amoxicillin were randomly assigned to oral amoxicillin (63 patients) or placebo (56 patients) three times daily for five days. Patients were assessed at days 7. 10 (two days after treatment ended). and 28.
In the three day and eight day treatment groups. the clinical success rate at day 10 was 93% for both. and at day 28 was 90% compared with 88%. Both groups had similar resolution of symptoms. and length of hospital stay.
These findings show that discontinuing amoxicillin treatment after three days is not inferior to discontinuing it after eight days in adults with mild to moderate-severe community acquired pneumonia who have substantially improved after an initial three days' treatment. say the authors.
This study suggests that current guidelines recommending 7-10 days should be revised. says Dr John Paul from the Royal Sussex County Hospital. in an accompanying commentary.
Not only does the study yield strong evidence in favour of short course therapy for a subset of patients with community acquired pneumonia. but also shows how centres can cooperate to tackle longstanding areas of uncertainty in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. he writes. Many other common clinical situations would repay the efforts of comparable approaches.
When Drugs for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Fail If one promising drug can fails to help against chronic myeloid leukemia. Listen to experts explain your options for hard to treat cancers.
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Baseball can't seem to escape quagmire of substance abuse

a pitcher who was released Wednesday by the Arizona Diamondbacks. has told federal investigators about substance abuse in Major League Baseball.(Michael Chow/Arizona Republic/AP)
The blows to Major League Baseball from federal investigators' search Tuesday of a journeyman pitcher's Arizona home were sudden. revealing and bruising.Now baseball must brace for the real nuclear nature of the Jason Grimsley revelations.They are expected to get worse.Federal investigators unsealed an affidavit Tuesday that details Arizona relief pitcher Grimsley's admission to using human growth hormone. steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs during his 15-year major-league career. The document and its accusations help reveal a looming hole in baseball's drug policy. It also includes swaths of black ink to mark out names of former and current players Grimsley identified to agents as users.
Just as the scene shifts from Barry Bonds. his milestone-surpassing 715th home run. and the stain of the investigation into his reported steroid use. the sport now awaits a seismic wallop of fresh allegations. There is an anxiety for what many in the game believe is the inevitable - the unveiling of the names."It saddens me in terms of the baseball culture." said player agent Barry Axelrod. who also serves on the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency's board of directors. "A lot of guys felt and thought that this issue was (dissipating). that they were seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. All of sudden. that isn't there anymore. and there is this whole new issue to deal with."The stench of the past prevalence of steroids and other illegal performance-enhancing drugs in the game has clung to baseball for the past several seasons. It grew thicker with March 2005's congressional hearings and the recurring streams of suspensions since. Spurred by Congress and a recently published book detailing Bonds' alleged use of designer drugs. Commissioner Bug Selig ordered an investigation into steroid use through the late 1990s and early 2000s.That in-house investigation is ongoing. the commissioner said in a statement. All while a federal investigation continues to spread out. and uncover baseball's culture of pharmaceutical bulk.It is unclear how far the information from Grimsley extends.One paragraph in the affidavit is particularly damning. It reads:"Since Major League Baseball began its drug testing for steroids and amphetamines. the only drug that he has used is human growth hormone."With a suspension of 50 games awaiting players' first positive test for banned drugs. baseball has promoted its drug-testing policy as among the toughest. if not the toughest. in sports. But since its authoring. critics have derided its banning of human growth hormone without calling for blood tests. Currently. all players have their urine tested at least once. There is no urine test for HGH. though baseball is funding a study to create one.The Olympics have used blood tests for HGH in Turin. but the blood tests are not considered infallible by experts."HGH we don't have a solution for right now. . . . I don't know if we've gotten a grip on how to handle HGH." Axelrod said.Ever-present in this conversation remains Congress."There are two simple steps that could close the gaping loophole in Major League Baseball's drug-testing policy. who chairs the committee that convened the 2005 hearings. "Baseball could either begin random blood testing. or it could store current urine samples so that they could be available when testing methods are improved. Storing samples would be an effective deterrent and would make players think twice about using HGH."It was a sentiment echoed by broadcaster Bob Costas."If baseball and the (MLB) Players Association were really serious about this they would take urine and blood samples and store them and tell players. 'If you're using this now. then you risk being outed a year from now. three years from now. five years from now.'" Costas said. "The union really should have been leading this. The union put its constituents in a position to make a horrible choice. Take banned substances to remain competitive and risk your health or your reputation. Or don't use and fall behind competitively. Is that in its membership's best interest?"Players and officials have found such dilemmas common in this steroid wilderness.Earlier this spring. league and Players Association officials expressed to the Post-Dispatch a wariness to comment on the record about steroid-related issues because of the chance Congress would then subpoena them. In San Francisco. a few members of the Giants said they were reluctant to converse too much with Bonds or comment on their teammate for the fear they would be plopped in front of the BALCO grand jury.Now there's Grimsley.In the affidavit. the federal agents are clear that they encouraged Grimsley to be cooperative. Their leverage was a search warrant executed Tuesday. It isn't a leap to see the names beneath the black in the Grimsley affidavit being put in similar positions. The web begins expanding throughout the big leagues. Suddenly. clubhouses are loaded with sources. Having played on two championship Yankees teams and alongside Angels in California. and filched Albert Belle's corked bat to protect his Cleveland teammate. Grimsley has ubiquitous connections.Six degrees of Grimsley covers baseball.Grimsley's attorney told The Arizona Republic in Wednesday's edition that the pitcher was "outed by the feds" for not cooperating in a "specific effort to target Bonds." The search conducted Tuesday was led by the federal agent who spearheaded the steroid case in San Francisco that centered on the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative.According to the affidavit. federal agents followed a package containing human growth hormone to Grimsley's home on April 19. The pitcher agreed to cooperate with the agents so that a search warrant would be executed in a "low-key manner." read the affidavit written by Internal Revenue Service special agent Jeff Novitzky.What followed that day was a two-hour interview with agents during which Grimsley divulged his use of drugs from steroids to amphetamines. He admitted he was one of as many as 83 players to test positive in 2003 - a list kept secret by Major League Baseball. He named teammates who "always had a supply of amphetamines." He mentioned a doctor in Florida who supplied human growth hormone. He described another player whose steroid use "was very obvious and had the worst back acne he'd ever seen."He said he was "sure" a source he used for amphetamines. anabolic steroids and HGH was also used by "boatloads" of players.These statements are sprinkled with redacted names.The black marks in all this baseball doesn't want lifted.The story "will probably depend on whose names are under the black ink." Costas said. "If some big-time names are in there - and there is a pretty good chance there are - then you're looking at another story that won't go away for baseball. The bigger the name.

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LeDerma Dermatology Offering Free Laser Rejuvenation Treatments in June!

June 9 /PRNewswire/ -- LeDerma Dermatology. which owns and operates several highly respected and technologically-advanced skin care clinics in Southern California. is currently offering Free Laser Rejuvenation Treatments during the entire month of June. This offer has an incredible value of $350.00 and will expire on June 30th. 2006.
Laser rejuvenation is a high-end skin care treatment that stimulates the production of collagen and efficiently eliminates the built-up layer of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. The result is a healthy. clean glow to the skin that cannot be achieved through everyday cleansing.
This treatment is a perfect solution for beachgoers. bathing suit wearers. and those who want to prep and polish their skin for the hottest months of the year. LeDerma encourages all who want a pampering. nurturing skin treatment to take advantage of this offer while it lasts!
Dr. Glenn Neil Ledesma. LeDerma's Chairman and Medical Director. is a leading Beverly Hills dermatologist. Dr. Ledesma founded LeDerma Dermatology on the premise of combining innovative medical science with a holistic outlook. LeDerma supports "Healthy Skin For Life(TM)!"
LeDerma Dermatology clinics offer medical. cosmetic and laser dermatology services ranging from skin rejuvenation and acne treatments to major surgery for skin cancer. LeDerma opened its first skin clinic in 1986 and has expanded to six central locations in Beverly Hills. Garden Grove and Upland. Subsequent openings in San Diego and San Francisco are scheduled for the near future. For more information. please visit LeDerma's website at lederma.
Visit: lederma/specials to download the printable coupon for this offer. Please call 1-888-LEDERMA (1-888-533-3762) today to schedule an appointment at any one of our clinics.
We look forward to hearing from you! Keeping your skin healthy.

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Solution Announces New Blog for Acne Skin Care - Yahoo! News

2006 -- Acne-Solution announces the launch of its new blog for acne skin care. The Web site. which covers just about every aspect of skin care and acne products and treatment. is moving into the realm of getting more personal with its constituents.
This new development at acne products and home remedies work best to providing a review of the most current acne products on the market. the blog brings real information to those seeking help with this common problem.
Special attention is given to such topics as daily care of the face and information about what kind of cosmetics should and shouldn't be used. The role of exercise is also mentioned in the development of an effective solution. in the articles section.
Other aspects of the Web site give solid techniques as to how to prepare the body through diet and other factors to be able to bring problem skin under control. There is also a considerable variety of information about baby skin care. natural cures and herbs that heal problem skin. Not only is there information for the teenage set. but good information about adult acne and how to treat it. And for those who have scarring. the various methods for treatment are dealt with. in a clear manner. including such treatments as the most recent applications of the laser.
Many relevant articles are available that ask such questions as: What foods cause breakouts? Pizza doesn't cause acne. The idea behind most of these articles is that prevention and knowledge provide the best acne skin care.
For those who sign up for its newsletter. AcneSolution is currently offering a $29 e-book. entitled 'Health Beauty Tips.' for free. This e-book provides regular tips and developments for those who have an interest in acne skin care and acne products.
Pamper yourself with luxury beauty and personal skincare treatments at a Georgette Klinger Day Spa. We are true specialists in the world of women's beauty.

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Southwest Florida's Information Leader

If Sarasota City commissioners buy into one businessman's vision. downtown could be making room for solar-powered "people movers." which look like a cross between a space-age bus and a golf cart.Tom McCoy. sales director for Cruise Car Inc.. was at City Hall on Monday. trying to sell the commissioners on the solar electric vehicles. which carry up to 14 people and hit speeds of up to 28 mph."You just have to plug it in at night and charge the battery. who claims that the people-movers could alleviate downtown parking problems.At least one commissioner. seems to share the vision: "This could be something very unique for the city." she said.No white horse for FEMAThere's been an addition to the annual hurricane drill. when public officials urge residents to come up with a personal disaster plan and stock at least a three-day supply of water and nonperishable foods.It's the FEMA slam -- vague or direct references to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's much-criticized response in post-Katrina New Orleans."The county is prepared to be self-sufficient until state and federal assistance arrives." Sarasota County Administrator Jim Ley told a group of assorted reporters and government officials last week."Experience has shown us that no one rides in on a white horse. FEMA seems to be riding a nag."Principal electionThe kids of Mobilized Youth are at it again.Known for getting out young voters and going head-to-head with military recruiters. this time they're drawing the line in the sand and daring Booker High School Principal Jill Dorsett to cross it.In a video clip that plays on their Web site mobilizedyouth. four members of the organization deliver scathing reflections on Dorsett's ability to lead their school.They even ask for her resignation."One more thing. president of Mobilized Youth. "We're the Booker Nation. not the Fighting Tornadoes."Don't expect this little stunt to land any of these students in detention when school starts in August.All of the stars of the video are Booker High School graduates.Hot over trashThe city managed to confuse 18.000 city residents with a mass mailing about a rate hike for trash pickup.Many who read the mailing thought that trash rates were rising to $400 a year from $290 a year. The bill is actually rising about $5 to $295.The mailing had people so flustered that the public works department had to set up a hot line to take all the calls."We understand the confusion we've caused. and we're sorry for it." said City Public Works Director Bill Hallisey._Staff writers Doug Sword. Markeshia Ricks and Mike Saewitz contributed to this column.
SARASOTA 'C A female driver crashed into James Tanner's car. leaving him with a gash on his head. back injury and broken thumb. She was arrested on a DUI charge that night. and Tanner went to three of her court hearings. hoping to hear her version of what happened.He never got the chance. The three hearings were short and lawyers did most of the talking. Prosecutors failed to notify Tanner about a fourth court appearance in March. where she pleaded to a lesser charge of reckless driving."I got left out. of Bradenton. "The prosecutor called me at home and apologized about it."The same thing has happened recently to about a dozen other victims of DUI crimes in Manatee and Sarasota counties. said members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD officials say prosecutors are cheating victims of their right to see justice by not following Florida's victim notification law."It's been happening a lot." said Denise Salerno-Jackson. president of the group's Manasota chapter. "It seems like in DUI cases it's starting to happen more and more."Leaders of MADD have complained to State Attorney Earl Moreland and have threatened to protest outside the courthouse if things don't change.Moreland said he wasn't familiar with the cases MADD was upset about. but added there's no excuse for not notifying victims."That was a mistake. they should have been notified." Moreland said.State law requires prosecutors to notify victims of judicial hearings and give them a chance to address the court.Cheryl Henrion. a victim's advocate for MADD in Pinellas County. said victims can't completely recover until the criminal part of the offender's case is behind them."Getting to speak at a sentencing is so very important to a victim because that's the only time they have had a chance to address the court about the pain the crime has caused them." Henrion said."Our criminal justice system is not set up to take away somebody's pain ... but it does give them a sense of justice."DUI victims in Manatee and Sarasota counties who did not get that opportunity include a Pennslyvania couple hit by a drunk driver during their stay in Sarasota for the winter. MADD advocates say. Prosecutors had told the couple they would call them immediately and pay to have them travel to speak at the offender's sentencing. said Christina Ammendola of MADD."They were still in Florida when sentencing happened and they were never notified." Ammendola said.Another victim was notified of an important hearing by U.S. Mail -- postmarked three days after the hearing occurred.Earl Varn. the chief of the state attorney's misdemeanor department. says prosecutors do their best. but can't always ensure that the notices get to every victim of every crime. So far this year. there have been more than 500 DUI arrests in Sarasota County alone.Court dates may change and court activity may happen without time to notify victims. For instance. a defendant wanting to plead to a charge can sometimes get a hearing in about three hours."There's times we just can't." Varn saidplaints such as MADD's are taken seriously and the state attorney's office will look at its notification system to make sure it working as well as it can. the MADD advocate in Pinellas County. said sometimes a change of plea will be totally unexpected. One time a hearing was set for a DUI defendant to get a new attorney.It surprised everyone when she instead told the judge she wanted to plead to the charge. Henrion said.Tanner. the Bradenton victim. said he feels like he missed out on something important."I just wanted to hear the truth." Tanner said. "I wanted to do whatever I could do ... And I didn't have a chance."
The longing to see my family. friends and boyfriend finally set in this weekend. but an impromptu drag show and fondue with a Brazilian family helped ward off any sadness which may have resulted from it.The lovely director Molly planned a get-together at our house for Friday; the guest list included any of her Brazilian friends who spoke English well enough to communicate with this (mostly) Portuguese-ignorant American. It was a 'normal' party at first. with a good deal of cheap beer and loud music. until Molly's gay friend Alexandre Cruz Souza decided to put on a drag show. He and Molly left the house to get the proper attire and. after Alexandre dressed himself in my room. a beautiful drag queen walked down the stairs toward the living room; the audience was a mixed bunch and included Alexandre's fellow gay men. a pregnant woman and her boyfriend and an Alaskan Portuguese-speaker named Calvin. The diverse crowd made it an even better experience. and I have to note that I never thought I would see my first drag show in Brazil.Saturday seemed as though it would turn out to be a dreary. rainy day at first. but Molly's father Dan received an invite for himself. Molly and the volunteers to a fondue dinner at a Brazilian family's home. Beef. bread and about six different sauces made up the main course. The sauces were something I had never experienced at the Melting Pot in Sarasota and included such flavors as mint. cherry and one sauce which was a mixture of ketchup. mustard and mayonnaise. The second course was chocolate fondue with fruit. including honeydew melon. and a fruit which I've seen in the supermarket here that looks like a underripe tomato. It is pronounced (I'll spell it phonetically. since I don't know how to spell it in Portuguese) 'cock-EE' and it is a sandy-texture. eternally-sweet fruit. I love it.In fact. I like it so much I am going to the supermarket to buy some right now. Maybe on the way back. I'll stop at the goods market near the house to buy gifts for my parents. Ciao!
A tropical storm watch is in effect for the Sarasota. Manatee and Charlotte counties. which could see 3 to 5 inches of rain. according to SNN News 6 Meterologist Justin Mosely.
TAMPA. the first named storm of the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season. developed Sunday in the Gulf of Mexico and appeared likely to soak parts of Florida and Cuba with heavy rain. forecasters said.On Sunday afternoon. the storm had maximum sustained winds near 45 mph. up 10 mph from early in the morning. but was not likely to strengthen into a hurricane. according to the National Hurricane Center.Most of Florida's west coast is under a hurricane watch."The satellite presentation of the storm is not very impressive ... so not much additional strengthening is anticipated." said hurricane specialist Richard Pasch.Forecasters said up to 30 inches of rain could fall over the western half of Cuba. creating a threat of flash floods and mudslides. and 5 to 10 inches could fall over the Florida Keys and the state's Gulf Coast.The prospect of a wet storm without hurricane-force winds was welcomed by firefighters who have been battling wildfires for six weeks on Florida's east coast."A good soaking rain would do a lot to help stop the fires in our area. a spokeswoman for Volusia County Fire Services. "It has been a hard fire season. We've had several fires a week here."The storm's outer rainbands swept across Florida from Miami to the Tampa Bay area Sunday afternoon. said National Weather Service meteorologist Richard Rude.Patricia Haberland. whose back porch in St. Petersburg was flooded by 12 inches of rain in March. put a few valuables in plastic bins this weekend just to be on the safe side."Other than that. we're carrying on as usual. 52. "It doesn't look like it's going to have a major impact on our area."Though the storm was not expected to cross the Florida Keys. some tourists were not taking any chances in the low-lying island chain."I had a bunch of people check out this morning because of the massive tropical storm that was supposed to swamp the island." said Nikki LaMarca. front desk manager at Courtney's Place in Key West. "It's amazing. People are actually leaving."At 5 p.m. EDT. Alberto was centered about 375 miles west of Key West and about 400 miles south-southwest of Apalachicola. forecasters said.It was moving northwest at 7 mph but was expected to turn toward central or northern Florida. where it could make landfall early Tuesday. forecasters said.The tropical depression that produced Alberto formed Saturday. nine days after the official start of the hurricane season. in the northwest Caribbean. which can produce typically weak storms that follow a similar track this time of year. forecasters said."They can also meander in the Gulf for awhile. and we've seen some dissipate before reaching any land areas." Pasch said. "There is no guarantee (Alberto) will make landfall."Scientists predict the 2006 season could produce up to 16 named storms. six of them major hurricanes.Last year's hurricane season was the most destructive on record. Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisiana and Mississippi and was blamed for more than 1.570 deaths among Louisiana residents alone.The season was the busiest in 154 years of storm tracking. with records for the number of named storms (28) and hurricanes (15). Meteorologists used up their list of 21 proper names _ beginning with Arlene and ending with Wilma _ and had to use the Greek alphabet to name storms for the first time.Meteorologists have said the Atlantic is not as warm now as it was at this time in 2005. meaning potential storms would have less of the energy needed to develop into hurricanes.Last year. the first named storm of the season was Tropical Storm Arlene. which formed June 9. and made landfall just west of Pensacola in the Florida Panhandle _ the first of two tropical storms and four hurricanes to target Florida last year.The Atlantic hurricane season ends Nov. 30.Associated Press writer Jennifer Kay in Miami contributed to this report.
SARASOTA ' Nubiel "Bill" Perez leaned forward in his chair as he talked about his maintenance job at Renaissance condominiums. and why he believed he was fired.Housekeepers and maintenance workers at the upscale condominiums were forbidden from speaking Spanish in public areas because it made some of the residents uncomfortable. Perez said he and other Latino employees felt stifled and discriminated against."I believe in my heart I did everything to keep this building running and clean." Perez said.As he testified. members of the city's Human Relations Board scribbled notes and listened quietly. This was the first case the 3-year-old board had ever heard. and they wanted to get it right.Set up in 2003 to investigate and solve complaints of discrimination. the board has seen scant action. Only a dozen discrimination cases have been filed. and most of those were settled before the need for a hearing. City officials say the low number of cases means that the board is largely accomplishing its goal: to solve these cases before they end up in court. But even some of the board members wonder whether all the people who have been discriminated against are truly coming forward.Board member Manuel Chepote. worries that illegal immigrants are especially reluctant to complain."Maybe they don't come forward because they are afraid of their status. an insurance agent. Chepote added that the city does not ask any questions about legal status when a complaint is filed."We need to spread the word more." he said.About 12 complaints so farPerez's case was the the very first to be heard since the board was first set up in 2003. when the city passed a celebrated anti-discrimination ordinance modeled after similar rules in places like Tampa.The city prohibits discrimination in employment. housing and public accomodation. Those who use the system can claim discrimination based upon things like disability. race or sexual orientation. About 100 people have inquired about the ordinance. One man said he was fired from a local McDonald's because he was gay.A woman claimed discrimination after she was ejected from a singles dance for "unladylike behavior." A group for the hard of hearing complained that a local television station did not provide captioned information about hurricanesMany of the 100 inquiries have not qualified for consideration by the board because the alleged act of discrimination happened outside of city limits. In those cases. the complainants were referred to the the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Tampa. More than a dozen official complaints have been filed. and most have been resolved by conciliation and end up in confidential settlements."The purpose of the ordinance was to create an opportunity to air complaints." said Kurt Hoverter. Sarasota's director of human resources. "Conciliations have worked in virtually every case."Several citizens have been satisified with the board."It cuts out a lot of hassle with the courts." said George Richardson. who complained to the board that he was fired after filing a workers compensation claim. Richardson would not talk about the details of his settlement. but said coming to the human relations board meant "no more lost sleep and no more agitation."First hearing a tough onePerez. who is from Colombia. said he thought he had a good case when he brought forward his complaint about the Renaissance.Representing himself. Perez told the board that he worked hard during his five years at the Renaissance. He was sure that race played a part in his firing. which happened when a new condominium association board took over last year.Attorneys for the condominium association. painted him as a hothead who routinely berated coworkers and created a negative workplace environment.Before rendering its decision. the human relations board heard 10 hours of testimony. some of which hurt Perez's case.Spanish-speaking coworkers said they never felt discriminated against at the Renaissance. Some described Perez as a man who lost his temper and frequently spouted obscenities.The new condominium association president said he fired Perez because he stopped doing his job well. an opinion also voiced by another of Perez's bosses."The idea that this is related to race is disconcerting." said the association president. Brian Geery."I'm sorry that you feel that way." he told Perez. "I really am."It was Geery who explained the board's policy about requiring employees to refrain from speaking Spanish around residents. some of whom became uncomfortable because they thought the workers were talking about them.An attorney for the Renaissance argued that the policy "facilitated the comfort level of residents and the smooth functioning" of the building.At the end of the case a few weeks ago. the five-member board concluded that discrimination did not contribute to Perez's dismissal.But several members said they were disturbed by Renaissance's policy toward Spanish-speaking employees.Even Geery. the condominium association president. admitted that prohibiting Spanish may have been part of a misguided effort to comfort residents."In hindsight. was that a good thing to do?" he said.Slowly gaining steamBoard members also wonder how widespread it is for employers to prohibit Spanish.Chepote has heard of several such places.Lottie Swann-Crawford. the woman who helped found the board and now serves on it. said she thinks the board would be more effective if members had the power to investigate discrimination themselves. rather than simply waiting for complaints to be filed and then hearing from both sides.She and others are now trying to set up a similar board in Sarasota County government.B.J. Branson. a former city administrative specialist who handled the discrimination complaints. said the city has worked hard to make the city program visible. setting up a booth at the farmers market and making presentations at functions.Swamm-Crawford credits the low number of cases to a few things. One of those things is "apathy.""When people have been beaten down and discriminated against. they don't have the will to get up and do things." she said.She said Sarasota is a place that has largely segregated black and white communities.About six months ago. a man yelled racial slurs at her outside an Albertsons in Sarasota.She says black people who live here are still hesitant to shop and eat on Main Street. and that discrimination is "still well and living.""Of course it's going on." she said. "It's just a little more subtle than it used to be."
MIAMI (AP) -- Tropical Storm Alberto. the first named storm of the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season. developed Sunday from a poorly organized tropical depression in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and appeared likely to carry heavy rain to Florida. forecasters said.By midday. the storm had maximum sustained wind near 45 mph. up 10 mph from early in the morning. the National Hurricane Center said.It was expected to continue growing but without developing into a hurricane."The satellite presentation of the storm is not very impressive. so not much additional strengthening is anticipated." said hurricane specialist Richard Pasch.At 11 a.m. EDT. Alberto was centered about 400 miles west of Key West and about 445 miles south-southwest of Apalachicola. forecasters said.It was moving northwest at about 9 mph but was expected to turn toward central or northern Florida. where it could make landfall early Tuesday. forecasters said.The tropical depression that produced Alberto formed Saturday. nine days after the official start of the hurricane season. in the northwest Caribbean. which can produce typically weak storms that follow a similar track this time of year. forecasters said."They can also meander in the Gulf for awhile. and we've seen some dissipate before reaching any land areas." Pasch said.Forecasters said up to 30 inches of rain could fall over the western half of Cuba. creating a threat of flash floods and mudslides. and up to 8 inches could fall over the Florida Keys and the state's Gulf Coast.Scientists predict the 2006 season could produce up to 16 named storms. six of them major hurricanes.Last year's hurricane season was the busiest and most destructive on record. Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisiana and Mississippi and was blamed for more than 1.570 deaths in Louisiana alone.The season was the busiest in 154 years of storm tracking. with records for the number of named storms (28) and hurricanes (15). Meteorologists used up their list of 21 proper names _ beginning with Arlene and ending with Wilma _ and had to use the Greek alphabet to name storms for the first time.This year. meteorologists have said the Atlantic is not as warm as it was at this time in 2005. meaning potential storms would have less of the energy needed to develop into hurricanes.Last year. the first named storm of the season was Tropical Storm Arlene. which formed June 9. and made landfall just west of Pensacola in the Florida Panhandle.
Heavy rainfall is headed our way tonight and tomorrow as Alberto gains winds speeds to a maximum of 45 mph. according to SNN News 6 Meteorologist Justin Mosely.
WASHINGTON -- A sun shines on Dan Yu's back. alongside a swimming koi fish. A tree soon may grow on his arm. "Your body's an empty canvas. so you almost want to continue to add to it. as he showed off his tattoos.A generation or two ago. Yu's tattoos - to say nothing of his pierced nose - probably would have placed him in a select company of soldiers. bikers and carnival workers. But no longer: The American University employee is among about 36 percent of Americans age 18 to 29 with at least one tattoo. according to a survey.The study. scheduled to appear Monday on the Web site of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. provides perhaps the most in-depth look at tattoos since their popularity exploded in the early 1990s.The results suggest that 24 percent of Americans between 18 and 50 are tattooed; that's almost one in four. Two surveys from 2003 suggested just 15 percent to 16 percent of U.S. adults had a tattoo."Really. the people who don't have them are becoming the unique ones." said Chris Keaton. a tattoo artist and president of the Baltimore Tattoo Museum.But body art is more than just tattoos.About one in seven people surveyed reported having a piercing anywhere other than in the soft lobe of the ear. according to the study. That total rises to nearly one in three for the 18-to-29 set. Just about half - 48 percent - in that age category had either a tattoo or piercing.Given their youth. that suggests the percentage of people with body art will continue to grow. said study co-author Dr. Anne Laumann. a Northwestern University dermatologist."They haven't had time to get their body piercing. They haven't had time to get their tattoo. They are just beginning to get into it and the number is already big." Laumann said.So why has body art become so popular?Laumann and others believe it allows people to broadcast to the world what they are all about. Others call it sign of rebellion or a rite of passage. The survey found nearly three-fourths of the pierced and nearly two-thirds of the tattooed made the leap before 24."It's a very easy way to express something that you think represents part of your identity - that you don't have to tell someone but you can just have seen." said Chelsea Farrell. an American University senior from Albany. N.Y. Farrell has a tattooed fish on each hip and a Celtic knot on the small of her back.The survey also found that what your mother may have told you about who has tattoos is true: People who drink. have been jailed or forgo religion are more likely to be tattooed.The same holds for piercings. though rates do not appear to vary with education. income or job category. In that sense. they appear to be "different animals. who has traditionally pierced ears but no tattoos.One obvious difference is that piercings can be easily removed. unlike tattoos."I guess I liked the way they looked and the rush of getting them pierced. as well as them not being permanent. I can take them out and the holes will close up." said Simah Waddell. of her pierced nose. belly button and ears.Waddell. who is entering her senior year at American University. said she suffered no side effects. other than the anger of her parents. The survey suggests that is not always the case for others with piercing. Nearly one in four reported medical problems. including skin infections. Among those with mouth or tongue piercings. an equal proportion reported chipped or broken teeth.For tattoos. 13 percent of respondents had problems with healing. Generally. the Food and Drug Administration receives few reports of complications from tattoos.The industry is regulated by state and local officials. and there is no such thing as an agency-approved tattoo pigment or ink. The FDA is considering more involvement. said Dr. Linda Katz. director of agency's Office of Cosmetics and Colors."If you look at the fact that a quarter of adults have a tattoo. it's amazing how safe the industry is. a Harvard Medical School dermatologist and tattoo removal expert. None of the survey respondents had ever had a tattoo removed. though 17 percent had considered it.Freedom-2 LLC. a Philadelphia company co-founded by Anderson. hopes to launch the first of two lines of not-so-permanent tattoo inks next year. though without FDA approval.To create the ink. pigments would be encapsulated in a polymer and the microcapsules injected into the skin. A tattoo would be permanent only as long as its wearer wanted it to be.It would only take a few pulses of a laser to break open the capsules and release the ink into the body to be safely absorbed. said Martin Schmieg. the company's president and chief executive officer.A second ink. would rely on the same technology. except the capsules would dissolve on their own. Depending on the version. the tattoos would naturally vanish after six months. 12 months or 24 months."It will be like wearing a tattoo like it's jewelry. where you will be able to take it off. It will just fade on its own." Schmieg said.The telephone survey on tattoos included 253 women and 247 men and was conducted in 2004. It has a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.Associated Press writer Chhayal Parikh contributed to this report.
It looks like we may be in for some drought busting rainfall over the next few days.Tropical Depression One is moving northwest into the gulf. and even though the forecast from the National Hurricane Center has the center of the depression staying to our west. there is plenty of rain extending east of the system to bring us a potential of 3 to 5 inches of rain at least it moves by. The biggest threat to us from this system would be flooding. We are currently under a flood watch. and the chance for heavy rain through Tuesday is 70-90%.The depression is forecast to pass us to the west. but than recurve and make landfall comewhere near the big bend portion of the state.If this system continues to develop. it could (and is forecast to) bexome our first tropical storm of the 2006 season. If that happens. its name would be Alberto.-David Karnes
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Solution Announces New Blog for Acne Skin Care

2006 -- Acne-Solution announces the launch of its new blog for acne skin care. The Web site. which covers just about every aspect of skin care and acne products and treatment. is moving into the realm of getting more personal with its constituents. This new development at Acne-Solution will permit the Web site to offer to help those who may not have been able to find a workable solution - yet. The blog gives users the opportunity to interact with others having similar problems and seeing what others have done that has worked. Readers will now be able to find solutions to their own specific acne skin care problems.The existing Web site offers solutions to the various forms of blemished skin and many treatments for it. While this is a problem common to so many. the folks at Acne-Solution want to bring real help to their customers and visitors. Because various skin types can pose difficulties in finding any kind of universal solutions. the AcneSolution blog offers a wide variety of information that should be able to bring help to most. Dealing with issues such as knowing which acne products and home remedies work best to providing a review of the most current acne products on the market. the blog brings real information to those seeking help with this common problem. Special attention is given to such topics as daily care of the face and information about what kind of cosmetics should and shouldn't be used. The role of exercise is also mentioned in the development of an effective solution. in the articles section.Other aspects of the Web site give solid techniques as to how to prepare the body through diet and other factors to be able to bring problem skin under control. There is also a considerable variety of information about baby skin care. natural cures and herbs that heal problem skin. Not only is there information for the teenage set. but good information about adult acne and how to treat it. And for those who have scarring. the various methods for treatment are dealt with. in a clear manner. including such treatments as the most recent applications of the laser. Many relevant articles are available that ask such questions as: What foods cause breakouts? Pizza doesn't cause acne. The idea behind most of these articles is that prevention and knowledge provide the best acne skin care.For those who sign up for its newsletter. AcneSolution is currently offering a $29 e-book. entitled 'Health Beauty Tips.

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CON Media

Software Quality Power Panel on SYS-CON.TV with Judith Hurwitz. and Mark Lambert and your host Jeremy Geelan!LIVE From Times Square! a pharmaceutical company developing and commercializing products in the field of dermatology. today announced that Geert Cauwenbergh. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. is scheduled to present to the investment community at the Pacific Growth Equities 2006 Life Sciences Growth Conference.
The conference will be held at The InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco. 2006. Dr. Cauwenbergh is scheduled to present on Monday. 2006 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time.
The presentation will be available live via a webcast that can be accessed through Barrier Therapeutics' corporate website at: barriertherapeutics.
Barrier Therapeutics. Inc. is a pharmaceutical company focused on the discovery. development and commercialization of pharmaceutical products in the field of dermatology. The Company currently markets two pharmaceutical products in the United States. and 81.35% white petrolatum) Ointment and Solag'? (mequinol 2.0% and tretinoin 0.01%) Topical Solution. The Company also markets its Solag'? product in Canada. along with VANIQA? for which it is the exclusive distributor in Canada. Barrier's Sebazole(TM) (2% ketoconazole) product candidate. for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. is currently under FDA review. Barrier has other product candidates in various stages of clinical development for the treatment of onychomycosis. psoriasis and fungal infections. The Company is headquartered in Princeton. New Jersey and has wholly owned subsidiaries in Geel. Belgium and Ontario. Canada. Web site: barriertherapeutics
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Treatment for hair loss starts at dermatologist

My son is a high-school senior and has been losing hair most of the school year. He is very upset and has been looking up different treatments. most of which are expensive. We can't afford transplants. but would like to do something. Is there anything we can do?
Normal hair growth occurs in cycles. There is an active growth phase. lasting between six and 10 years. followed by a stage of regression. which lasts two to three months. followed by a resting phase. which is two to three weeks.
Each strand of hair is composed of protein growing from individual follicles. When hair is lost from a follicle at the end of the resting phase. a new strand starts to grow in the same follicle. Normally. the most common cause of hair loss is androgenetic. or male pattern baldness. which can start as early as the mid-teens. In males whose genetics predispose them to baldness. puberty starts the process. The pubertal increase in testosterone production results in an increased production of DiHydroTestosterone. which alters the normal production of hair by the follicle. With each cycle. hair strands become thinner. grow slower and fall out at shorter lengths. until eventually the follicle stops production altogether. Once this happens. the follicle is lost permanently. along with its hair production.
One form of treatment is to increase hair growth. Minoxidil is one of the most commonly used topical medications for this purpose. It comes in a 5 percent solution for men and a 2 percent solution for women. Originally developed as a pill to treat high blood pressure. it was found to also stimulate hair growth. A topical solution was developed to treat baldness. Limiting DHT production will decrease damage to follicles and the subsequent hair growth. Finasteride/Propecia is a DHT inhibitor. which is taken orally and works well when the hair loss is on the top of the head or in the front. It requires a prescription and is not approved for use in children or women.
Both minoxidil and finasteride are FDA approved and require daily use. Effects are usually not seen for three to four months. Discontinuing the medications will result in a return to hair loss.
Inflammation may also contribute to hair loss and itching; redness and flaking may indicate its presence. Shampoos like Nizoral are helpful when the scalp is inflamed. Retinoic acid. a commonly used acne product. also has been shown to stimulate hair growth.
A common sense approach would be to have an evaluation by a dermatologist. who will take a history and determine if factors other than genetics are involved. If male pattern baldness is the problem. medication (topical and/or oral) may be prescribed. Medication is not a cure. but may help to reverse the process and. preserve normal-functioning follicles and hair growth. This will prevent further hair loss.
If effective. starting early can minimize overall hair loss. Many hair-loss products are expensive. Prescription plans will generally cover the cost of medications prescribed as treatment for androgenetic baldness. It's important to remember that until a cure is found. treatment will be a long-term. continuous process.
Write to Dr. Kendall Sprott. at Children's Hospital of New Jersey at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. N.J. 07112. Or e-mail him at ksprott@sbhcs.
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