Forget wrinkles - many adults battle acne 

Forget wrinkles - many adults battle acne

TORONTO (CP) - One of the best things about bidding farewell to the teen years is being rid of pimples. But some adults are waking up in their 20s. unpleasant reminder of high-school embarrassment.
"If you look at the role of the average woman today. juggling so many more balls ... definitely adrenal stress levels are up and adrenal stress is linked to this adult acne phenomenon." she said from the institute. where certified estheticians receive further training in skincare.
Adult acne definitely looks different from teenaged zits. which are usually present in the T-zone - across the forehead. down the nose to the chin. The grown-up version shows up on cheeks. chin and along the jawline.
McCliskie explains that if breakouts are occurring along the jawline. temples and eyebrows. it signals adrenal overload. The adrenal gland secretes adrenalin as well as steroid hormones including testosterone.
There has been an explosion of products aimed at adult acne. beyond the old choices of the powerful bacteria-zapping potions aimed at teens. Now cosmetic companies are tapping into the demographic that wants to fight wrinkles and acne at the same time. offering products that come in pretty packages with high pricetags.
Publishers. are having a field day. After the huge success of his book The Wrinkle Cure. Dr. Nicholas Perricone produced The Acne Prescription: The Perricone Program for Clear and Healthy Skin at Every Age (HarperCollins). He writes about yoga. diet and products that will help people affected by acne (yes. he sells a line of products).
But not every author is hawking a skin-care line. The Acne Cure (Rodale Inc.) by Dr. Terry J. Dubrow and Brenda D. Adderly. outlines a cleansing and treatment regimen advocating certain ingredients based on skin type (oily. dry or combination).
In her book The Skin Type Solution (Bantam). she explains there are 16 skin types based on oiliness versus dryness. resistant versus sensitive. pigmented versus non-pigmented and tight versus wrinkled. She outlines product ingredients to be used for each of the different skin types and even recommends some brand names based on feedback from her clients.
"With all these anti-aging creams - people are not buying the right ones. Even though it's anti-aging. it's not right for their skin type. admitting she knows all too well how a company's promise of beautiful skin can attract even the most astute consumer.
She recalled that on a recent book tour. she was given a sample of an expensive anti-aging cream. She took the bait. applied the cream and the next day regretted it.
McCliskie agrees. adding that blemishes on the cheeks usually indicate a reaction to a product. A moisturizer. a foundation or even a blusher that is not right for a person's skin type could be behind an outbreak.
Kellett recommends a gentle. gel-based cleanser that exfoliates. twice a day followed by a benzoyl peroxide lotion and a water-based. oil-free moisturizer.
And for adults who want quick treatment. she recommends a levulan and light treatment. Levulan is a photosensitizer drug which is applied to the skin and then activated with different types of light.
But McCliskie thinks something beyond stress. rich creams and hormonal changes may play a part in the acne that plagues women and men well beyond the teen years.

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